So I might be wedding obsessed.

My boyfriend isn't the most pleased with this latest development, but I LOVE all things wedding! Here's to hoping he pops the question soon. Regardless, a silly little thing like an engagement ring won't prevent me from obsessively stalking out and planning the most amazing party I'll ever throw!

The blog hopes to chronicle the road to wedded bliss, and all the drama in between (for hopefully less than 10 K!) in the Pittsburgh suburbs. Love Yinz! (Yinz = Pgh slang for y'all or you guys. No one realizes Pittsburgh actually has its own type of slang)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Obligatory Introduction Post

I suppose if I'm going to be blogging for yinz guys out in Blogger-land, I should do the proper thing and introduce myself! I'm A, a 20-something recent transplant to the Pittsburgh metropolitan area (as if the word metropolitan is in way to describe this desolate part of the state) from Eastern PA. I live with my boyfriend, his twin brother, and one of their mutual best friends in a hick town about 35 minutes from the City while I attend graduate school.

My boyfriend is my best friend in the world, and we complement each other perfectly. Except when he's late, because I hate that shit. But aside from his lax attention to the clock and undiagnosed attention-deficit disorder, I love everything about this man and dream about the prospect of spending my life with him.

We met in college, kind of - when I was a senior, he had already graduated but couldn't leave his frat-boy-ways behind, and we met through mutual Greek life parties. Clearly love at first keg-stand. Anyway, I made the big decision to move out 5 hours away from my family to be with him, and I'm kind of just waiting on a ring to make it all official.

In the meantime, I've started to obsessively plan things. Because that's what I do. And, I just love pretty things - a wedding is the ultimate pretty party! So, that's the point of this blog. A place for me to rant and rave about the prettiest diy-rustic-chic party the Pittsburgh area has ever seen. So yinz guys better watch out.

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